Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Trailer do filme A COR DO PERDÃO

Amaryllis mora em Porto Rico com o pai, um ex-bailarino de sucesso que agora vive numa cadeira de rodas. Ela também adora dançar e seu sonho é brilhar nos palcos. Agora órfã e sozinha no mundo, p

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Strange Luck Episode 3 [5/5]

A photographer suffers from "strange luck," and is the victim of both good and bad coincidences that involve him in the problems of others.Come on get this show on DVD it's been 12 years. vote for it

Strange Luck Episode 11 [5/5]

A photographer suffers from "strange luck," and is the victim of both good and bad coincidences that involve him in the problems of others.Come on get this show on DVD it's been 12 years. vote for it